Our Services

It all begins with an idea. And our services are here to make them a reality! View our wide range of services below. Our expert team goes above and beyond to leave an impression with every requested service.

  • 3D Renders

    We use 3D rendering techniques to create realistic images of your desired design, turning them from a 3D model into a 2D image. By combining strategy, software, and artistry, our 3D rendering process creates a variety of images, with the aim of making your final product look appealing, bringing your dream to a reality.

  • House Plans

    We design house plans for our clients that define all construction specifications for your residential home. Our house plans include building elevations, floor plans, site and location plan specifications. We also discuss techniques and materials required to construct your dream home according to the requirements of the client.

  • Apartment Designs

    Our apartment designs are completed to give your new complex a modern or traditional feel . Each unit is designed to make its residents feel at home. We utilize modern looks and spacious designs to create flows that will leave everyone in awe.

  • Studio Designs

    Our Studio Designs are compact, modern designs that encompass everything you need in one space. By thinking outside the box, our studio designs are creative, outlining several different storage options and creating a flow that just makes sense!

  • Office Designs

    At Mr. Draftsman, we create office designs that include all of the components of a functional workspace. Our designs are curated with the worker in mind, seeking to optimize their performance, safety and wellbeing, whilst being modern and trendy.

  • Interior Designs

    When creating interior designs at Mr. Draftsman, we set out to create designs that will transform and improve our clients' lives. We focus on creating spaces that have improved space efficiency, functional usage, optimal lighting, and compact fittings and space for necessary equipment.

  • Engineering Designs

    The use of Engineering Designs are an integral part of any major project and even some house designs. We use these designs as a powerful approach in our problem solving method. As we communicate important information about both the problem we set out to solve and possible solutions that can be implemented at each step. Engineering designs are in the form of but not limited to, foundation, roof, columns and structural outline.

  • Electrical Designs

    As designers, we understand how important great lighting is to any construction style. That’s why we offer electrical plans for your home, office, studio or apartments. These designs are done with the consultation of our very own Electrician, giving you the expert advice and designs while still keeping an outstanding look.

  • Plumbing Designs

    At Mr. Draftsman, we provide visual representation and information for plumbing systems. This service conveys the engineering design to plumbers in order to assist with the installation of plumbing systems. Our Plumbing Designs show where fixtures will be located, pipework, valves and the flow of water supply and waste removal.

  • Planning and Development Submissions

    At Mr. Draftsman, we want to make sure you are one step closer to the completion of your dream project and that’s why we offer the service of submitting your plan to The Planning and Development Department. This service ensures a hassle free process for you as we handle all payments, documentations and revisions to your submission. All that’s left for you is to hear you’ve been approved!